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To William Whann, 10 April 1819


Dear Sir

     If I am not mistaken, my nephew, Mr George Washington informed me that my note for Three hundred dollars was discounted at your bank; and as it will soon become due, I send you above a check on the Bank of Alexa. for the amount. Should I have misunderstood him, may I ask the favor of you to cause an enquiry to be made at the other George town Bank & wherever it is to pay it off? The note, you will enclose to me at this place. I am Dear Sir very respectfully & sincerly yr mo. ob.

From John Augustine Washington II, 25 June 1819

My Dear Uncle

     I reced your letter of the 9th inst. a few days since informing me you had placed in the Bank of Alexa. for our benefit $2318..56 which is very acceptable at this time as it is very difficult to collect money in our country one third of the above amt you may inform Mr Herbert I have paid for the Estate—one third to Bushd and one third to myself.

To Elizabeth Scott Rankin, 19 Aug. 1820

     Judge Washington presents his Complts to the P—— E—— and is commanded by his lady Mistress the P.—— A. to return her thanks for the Shoes—to say they do not fit—& to request the favor of the P—— E—— to restore them to the person to whom they belong.

     Be so good as to say how Mrs Scott & the family are.

From Selah Strong Woodhull, 8 March 1824


     I am instructed by the Committee of Arrangements to inform you, that the next annual meeting of the American Bible Society will take place in this City, on the second Thursday in May ensuing. In the name of the Committee & of the Managers, I have the honour to request your attendance on that interesting occasion, if not in too great a degree inconvenient to you.

To Milo Mason, 1 July 1829

My dr Sir

     It is with regret & deep mortification that I feel myself compelled to decline your friendly & kind invitation to dine with you. In consequence of the attack in my breast the day I dined with Doct. Jackson, Mrs W. believes that a return of it would be the certain consequence of my going again. All my reasoning, & all my persuasions, fail to destroy, or even to allay, these apprehensions.

Bushrod Washington's Burial Instructions to David Calwell, [November 1829]


On the 14th of Novr 29 I received the following confidential communication from Judge Washington.

He said he knew not how his case might terminate—that he had always had an aversion to the customs attending such cases and wished them to be dispensed with in regard to him—and added:

To the Circuit Court Judges for the District of Columbia, n.d.

To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia ——

     The petitions of Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis acting Executors of George Washington deceased respectfully sheweth that on the decree pronounced by this Honorable Court on the 22nd day of the last April Session of this Court in the cross suits of Mary D. Washington Executrix of Lawrence A. Washington decd and others against your petitioners, and your petitioners William L.

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