Your mother is so much pleasd with the guallity and price of the tea and Sugar you sent by Phill: that she desires you will purchase three pounds of the tea and Six loaves of the Sugar least they should grow dearer— this you will Judge of bei… Continue Reading From John Augustine and Hannah Bushrod Washington, n.d.
We only reached this place the day before yesterday in our way to Berkley we shall proceed tomorrow but the weather is so hot that I had like to have kill'd one or two of my Horses in gett… Continue Reading From John Augustine Washington, [c.1780]
I arrived home on monday night safe through a very heavy rain; when I got home not a white sole was in the house to receive me, they were at Spring grove.
I have been requested by Saml Washington to forward to him the Patent for the tract of Land on the Kanakwa devided between <Thos> Hammond, and the heirs of Corbin Washington & a certifyd copy of the deed of Partition—to enable him t… Continue Reading From Lawrence Lewis, n.d.
Your letter of the present month, without date, came duly to hand; & I sincerely thank you for your expressions of condolence in regard to my late misfortune— Such indeed has been my painful situation & close confinement by the inclem… Continue Reading From Robert Lewis, 22 Jan. 1827
Allow me to state that Gerrit Smith Esqr., a Gentleman of the State of New York, has recently sent us a donation of $100 & offered to increase it to $1000 to be paid, one hundred annually, for ten years, in case one hundred other individu… Continue Reading From Ralph Randolph Gurley, 18 Jan. 1828
Our Anxiety is in a great measure releived by the receipt of your kind considerate letter my dear Uncle, to Judy; I trust what was so welcome to us, did not cost you too much exertion, or solici… Continue Reading From Jane Charlotte Blackburn to BW and Julia Ann (Nancy) Blackburn Washington, 4 Feb. 1828
The Corporation of Harvard University, having regard to your distinguished merits in general and your eminent character in the Judicial Department, did, on the last Commencement, confer upon you… Continue Reading From John Thornton Kirkland, 3 March 1828
While literature in other countries is languishing for want of encouragement from the great, and leagued oppression is striving unremittedly to quench the blaze of Science, and sweep from earth all that adorns mankind; We feel an honest pride… Continue Reading From the Franklin Society of Brown University, 30 June 1824
In consequence of instructions from the Committee of Arrangements of the American Bible Society, I have the honour to inform you, that the next annual meeting of the Society will be held i… Continue Reading From Selah Strong Woodhull, 20 Jan. 1825
By order of the Standing Committee of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, I beg leave to inform you that you were this day elected an honorary member of that institution.… Continue Reading From Edward Everett, 29 March 1825
In the name of God Amen I Bushrod Washington of Mount Vernon do make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
It is all important to me that you should give every attention to Collins’ suit before you leave town & that I should hear from you without delay the final result of your endeavors— I have your ltr by return of my expre… Continue Reading From Henry Lee, circa 1809
I ret'd1 to Town yesterday Evening and in Fredg, found2 your Note of the, 6 of august in the Post office of that place; this will account for its not having been sooner answered[.] I am this moment furn… Continue Reading To Unknown, 6 Aug. 1787
I will thank you to send me the answer I drew to the bill in chancery brought agt Ashton & us, as I wish to alter it so as to state the accounts of the legatees, more specially in order to draw from the Court the principle on… Continue Reading To Lawrence Lewis, 26 Jan. 1808
Permit me to introduce to you general Bernard, an officer whose military merit, altho it Has no Superiors and few equals in His line, is still Surpassed By the liberal, Candid, and Unassuming disinterestedness of His temper.… Continue Reading From Lafayette, 15 Sept. 1816
In the Ejectment of the exrs of Genl Washington vs: Homertree & in the suit of the same against the same for cent, Judgements were confessed at May Court Cast with a stay of execution… Continue Reading From Edmund Jennings Lee, 31 Jan. 1820
We have sent a servant down expressly <mutilated> the other gentlemen of whom we rent <mutilated> to inform them how very difficult it will <mutilated> a monied rent for this place the next… Continue Reading Bushrod Corbin Washington and John Augustine Washington II to Lawrence Lewis, 27 June 1812
As the money paid by Ransom ought to be appropriated without delay to pay debts so as to stop interest, I have out the statement underneath to show how much is to be paid to Mr Turner out… Continue Reading To Lawrence Lewis, 23 Jan. 1819
I did not sufficiently understand the business stated in your letter to return you an immediate answer.