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From Edward Everett, 29 March 1825


     By order of the Standing Committee of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, I beg leave to inform you that you were this day elected an honorary member of that institution. Its object is, by the erection of a permanent monument, to commemorate an event highly interesting in its Consequences to the cause of American freedom. Should it, as is hoped, be agreeable to you to be thus united with the Assocation, a certificate of membership in due form will be forwarded to you.

Bushrod Washington's Last Will and Testament

In the name of God Amen I Bushrod Washington of Mount Vernon do make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

Imprimis I give to my dear and most excellent wife and her heirs the following negroes— viz: Nan Louisa and the children she now has a may here after have, Sam. Jessy, Clark and Silvia his wife and Lucy their daughter with all the future increase of the females and also Jenny who I purchased from W. Turner.

From Henry Lee, circa 1809

dear sir.

It is all important to me that you should give every attention to Collins’ suit before you leave town & that I should hear from you without delay the final result of your endeavors— I have your ltr by return of my express with a notice that on the second day of the July court which is next tuesday a motion will be made agst me in consequence of the office judgmt.

To Unknown, 6 Aug. 1787


Dr Sir,

     I ret'd1 to Town yesterday Evening and in Fredg, found2 your Note of the, 6 of august in the Post office of that place; this will account for its not having been sooner answered[.] I am this moment furnished with yours of the 3d Instant. The language of the first gave me some degree of astonishment, as it was unexpected, so I am conscious it was unmerated & I therefore take the liberty of enclosing it back to you..

From Lafayette, 15 Sept. 1816


My dear Sir

Permit me to introduce to you general Bernard, an officer whose military merit, altho it Has no Superiors and few equals in His line, is still Surpassed By the liberal, Candid, and Unassuming disinterestedness of His temper. His Lady and family accompany Him. I much wish He may be Welcomed in the US Because I am sure that when he is known He will be Universally Beloved.

From Edmund Jennings Lee, 31 Jan. 1820

Dear Sir

     In the Ejectment of the exrs of Genl Washington vs: Homertree & in the suit of the same against the same for cent, Judgements were confessed at May Court Cast with a stay of execution in each case untill the first of December— Since the first of december, I have written twice to the clerk of the Superior Court of Fairfax to issue executions— Which I exect he has done & that they are now in the hands of the Sheriff— If the executions have not been issued, the court will do so on your or Major Lewis’s application for them— You

Bushrod Corbin Washington and John Augustine Washington II to Lawrence Lewis, 27 June 1812


We have sent a servant down expressly <mutilated> the other gentlemen of whom we rent <mutilated> to inform them how very difficult it will <mutilated> a monied rent for this place the next <mutilated>d out public affairs continue in the <mutilated>ttled & precarious state they are at <mutilated>hould like to rent this place for the next <mutilated> can agree upon the terms.

To Lawrence Lewis, 23 Jan. 1819


Dear Sir

     As the money paid by Ransom ought to be appropriated without delay to pay debts so as to stop interest, I have out the statement underneath to show how much is to be paid to Mr Turner out of Saml Washingtons half of the sum you are about to distribute— The residue of that half is to be paid to Doctr Scholly & the other half to Thornton Washington. I think the sooner this is done the better. I am very sincerely & affectly yrs

To Lawrence Lewis, 9 Feb. 1819


Dear Sir

     I did not sufficiently understand the business stated in your letter to return you an immediate answer. I now perceive that the money is deposited to your credit in the valley Bank at Charlestown, and as it is all to be paid to persons residing near the Bank, I think it best for us not to negotiate the Check in Alexandria, but for you to enclose to Bushrod C.

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