To Lawrence Lewis
Mt Vernon Septr 5th 1818
Dear Sir
I have Just recd a letter from Mr Ludwell Lee in which he requests that we will agree to postpone the sale of Rock hall to about the middle of November, and to agree to sell for one fourth of the purchase money down, he & Mr Alexander agreeing to give the bond which will accompany this letter. To the first proposition I have agreed but not to the last, & have drawn the bond for him & Mr A. to execute. Their agreement to secure the debt tho the land should fall short is very advantageous to us, & the Concession which we make to them cannot fail to be beneficial to them. I have desired Mr Lee to send this letter & the bond executed & witnessed to you before the 15th that you may know how to act & to have notice given on the day of sale that it is postponed till some day in november, of which due notice will be given, and that it will be then sold on the terms mentioned in the Bond. As soon as you receive this and the bond (which you will take care of) write to me, that I may prepare another advertisement before I leave home. If the bond is not sent to you executed, you will of course proceed as if this last proposition had not been made. I am Dear Sir affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, ViMtvL; Esther Maria Lewis Chapin Collection. BW addressed to letter to Lewis, "now in Frederick County, Virga."