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From Jane Charlotte Blackburn Washington, 25 May 1828

     I had the pleasure of receiving your letter from Baltimore my dearest Uncle some days ago, and should have written again, immediately on receiving it but waited in the hope of being able to say on what day we should have the happiness of being with my beloved Aunt and yourself.

From Samuel George Washington, 20 June 1824

Deare Father

     with pleasure I take this oppertunity to inform you that I am in good helth, Hooping these fiew lines may finde you injoying the same blessing— I have nothing of importence to inform you of at the preasentt time, Only I have1 not yet got that mony you sente me and I have received your letter which gave me grate Satdisfaction to heare from you.

To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court for the district of Columbia and Alexandria, 12 Nov. 1826

     The petition of Bushrod Washington & Lawrence Lewis executors of George Washington decd respectfully showeth that there yet remains of the residuary estate of their testator to be sold an undivided third part of Eleven hundred & nineteen acres of land or there abouts in the County of Nansemond belonging to the estate of their testator & the pan or representative of Fielding Lewis & John Walker both decd — one brickhouse in the town of Alexandria conveyed by Archibald McClean & a small tract of land containing about one

To William Lawrence McCarty Spotswood, 4 Dec. 1826

Dear Sir,

     Since my return from Phila. I received your letter of the 25 August. In consequence of funds having come to the hands of the executors for distribution, the balance due from you is reduced to the sum of only $527.71 with interest from the 22d of last month. It affords me, I assure you, great pleasure to give you this information since I can hardly suppose that it can greatly embarrass you to raise so small a sum.

From William Cabell Rives, 4 Dec. 1826

Dear sir,

     By the request of Mr Meriwether L. Walker, who is a neighbour of mine, I make to you the following communication on the subject of his arrangements for discharging the balance of his debt to you.— Mr Duke, you are apprised, is debtor to Mr Walker in a considerable sum, which has been the resource, on which he mainly relied, to meet his engagements with you.

From John Augustine Washington II, 22 July 1818

My dear Uncle

     I believe we have recd from the Genls Estate $3326..70 out of which my brother Richds Estate recd $926..70, Bushd $600 & myself $600, therefore my brother's Estate is entitled to $182..20, Bushd to $508..90 & myself to $508..90 which sums will make the above amt including the last $1200 you deposited in the Bank of Alexa. to our credit.

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