From Samuel George Washington
June 20 1824
Deare Father
with pleasure I take this oppertunity to inform you that I am in good helth, Hooping these fiew lines may finde you injoying the same blessing— I have nothing of importence to inform you of at the preasentt time, Only I have1 not yet got that mony you sente me and I have received your letter which gave me grate Satdisfaction to heare from you.
I would be glad to heare from you as often as posabel, and from my brothers sisters and Cosens, for when I shall come home it is not yet cirtain but I exspect to come this summer or fawl. Before I conclude my letter I must [?]ef[?]rm you that I am doing very well <mai>keing thirteen dollars a month and are abel to dress as fine as any young man in this state, and abel to ware boots up to my knees, and on the hoal are much of a man for I way one hundred and eighty right well and I am much of a man five feet and tem inches high, At the name of George Washington my uncle the hory head is maid to bound with Joy and the stripling is maid to leape like a harte and faver the Washington family right much I am your affectionate son
Samuel George Washington
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. BW endorsed this letter, "June 1824 From some fool or knave calling himself Sam. G. Washington & my Son."
1. Samuel George Washington originally wrote, "been Difrauded" but crossed it out.