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To Milo Mason

My dr Sir

     It is with regret & deep mortification that I feel myself compelled to decline your friendly & kind invitation to dine with you. In consequence of the attack in my breast the day I dined with Doct. Jackson, Mrs W. believes that a return of it would be the certain consequence of my going again. All my reasoning, & all my persuasions, fail to destroy, or even to allay, these apprehensions. Her excitement, in short, on the occasion, is such, that I could not justify it to myself to go unless she could be brought voluntarily to consent to it. I throw myself, my dear Sir, on your kind indulgence to accept this apology, and as a proof that you have done so, come over with the officers & your ladies on any day you appont to dine with us —

     Believe me to be with great respect & esteem very sincerely yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW addressed the cover to the major at Fort Washington.