From John Augustine Washington II
July 22.. 1818
My dear Uncle
I believe we have recd from the Genls Estate $3326..70 out of which my brother Richds Estate recd $926..70, Bushd $600 & myself $600, therefore my brother's Estate is entitled to $182..20, Bushd to $508..90 & myself to $508..90 which sums will make the above amt including the last $1200 you deposited in the Bank of Alexa. to our credit. I am not certain whether you ever paid to or for us any but the above mentioned sum therefore I have only credited the Estate of Genl Washington with the above amt paid Richds Estate & what I recd myself should I be mistaken you can at any leisure time give me a correct statement of the amt pait to or for us by the Estate of Genl Washington.
I expect Mr Herbert has declined visiting this part of the Country I think the sooner he comes up & have a division the better if he does not I am afraid he will be disappointed in a crop of wheat next year, the overseer at P. Hill can commence fallowing as soon as he gets the grain stacked if he knew what part would fall to Mr Herbert. I intended seeding a part of the Estate myself but as we are disappointed in his not coming up I shall sow wheat on my own farm.
Since writing the above it appears to me that I gave you a power to retain in your hands so much money due me from the Genls Estate as may be sufficient to pay the balance due my Sister which amt I suppose she has recd. if so I must credit the Genls Estate with my proportional part & debit Mr Herbert with the sam otherwise my acct with him will appear unsettled. I have pd Mr Herbert some money which he mentioned was due my Sister for Soloman's hire which I thought was to be paid out of the debt due from Mr Harrison's Estate & put in his hands to collect some time since I am afraid he will slumber over it so long that it will be forgotten or go off with the act of limitation I am anxious to have our accts finally settled to prevent any difficulty hereafter. Our children are young & should an accident happen to us it might produce great confusion it would be as well I expect for us to enter into some writing that will indemnify either ourselves or our heirs from any hereafter difficulty that might arise such things have happened I expect within your knowlede the precautions would I believe be unnecessary with Mr Herbert & myself but we have no security that those who might succeed us would be like minded.
I expect to set off to the Kenhewa on the 24th of August should Bushd feel dispose to join his brother & myself he must be here by that time. Jane unites in love to you & Aunt. I am affecly yr nephew
John A. Washington
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. John Augustine Washington II addressed the letter "To the Honble Bushd Washington Mount Vernon. near Alexa. D.C." "Via Winchester" has been added to the address, in an unidentified hand. The cover is postmarked, "<illegible> July 29."