To Samuel Chase
Mount Vernon Jany [24, 1804]
My dear Sir
Your letter of the 13th found me confined to my bed by a severe pleuretic attack, from which I am just recovering. It is a matter of regret to me, that this indisposition prevented me from seeing & conversing with two distinct parties of members of Congress who have lately favoured me with their company. I was extremely anxious to know what was thought & said in that house about the impeachment. my wish to see the charges was gratified by your letter. That you will repel & satisfactorily defeat them in the opinions of disterested & candid men, I have no doubt, and I should hope that a majority of such men may be found in the body which will try them. At the same time that you may desire the enquiry, I cannot but feel great distress that you should at your time of life & in your state of health be exposed to the trouble & expence which must attend it. With every kind & friendly wish I am my dear Sir, very sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
Photostat, ViMtvL: General Collection. BW addressed the letter to "Judge Chace" in Baltimore. Chase endorsed this document, dating it 24 Jan. 1804. The letter was postmarked in Alexandria, Va. on 25 January.