To Lawrence Lewis
Mt. Vernon Jany 28th 1822
Dear Sir
Above is a check for $90 for the 30 bbs Corn for Bushrod.
Agreable to your request I spoke to Mr Herbert respecting the value of the house in Alexa. which he promised to attend to. But I consider this to be unnecessary, as I shall be perfectly satisfied with any contract you may make respecting, well knowing that in the barter you contemplate, you will get it off on the best terms for the estate which you can. I am my Dear Sir very sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, ViMtvL; Esther Maria Lewis Chapin Collection. On the cover of the letter BW added a note reading: "Please give me the address of some person to collect my rents & pay the taxes on my ohio land. I cant think what has become of Mr Parks./I send you the acct which till I got your letter I did not know was in the bundle send me by Mr Moor."