From Edmund Jennings Lee
Alexandria 31. Jany 1820
Dear Sir
In the Ejectment of the exrs of Genl Washington vs: Homertree & in the suit of the same against the same for cent, Judgements were confessed at May Court Cast with a stay of execution in each case untill the first of December— Since the first of december, I have written twice to the clerk of the Superior Court of Fairfax to issue executions— Which I exect he has done & that they are now in the hands of the Sheriff— If the executions have not been issued, the court will do so on your or Major Lewis’s application for them— You had better send up immediately for them. I am dear with great respect & regard your sincerely
Edm: J. Lee
ALS, ViMtvL: Esther Maria Lewis Chapin Collection. BW added a note on the cover dated 1 Feb. 1820. He wrote "If the within executions have not issued, the clerk will please issue & deliver them to the bearer." He signed underneath the note, "Bush. Washington Exect Genl Washington."