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To Unknown

Dr Sir,

     I ret'd1 to Town yesterday Evening and in Fredg, found2 your Note of the, 6 of august in the Post office of that place; this will account for its not having been sooner answered[.] I am this moment furnished with yours of the 3d Instant. The language of the first gave me some degree of astonishment, as it was unexpected, so I am conscious it was unmerated & I therefore take the liberty of enclosing it back to you.. When I left this Country for the purpose of compleating my studies in Philada I furnishd my Father with an account of your demand against him. both on acct of my Education & on that of My career. On my return I wrote you a Letter expressive of my uneasiness3 that the difficulties of the times had prevented him from paying you, but that you would shortly receive it: this I expected was done nor was I until the rect of your late Letters certain of the Contrary. why you have not been pd I know not. I am sure that my Father4 who had to much honor willingly to neglect these or any other Just claims agt him must in the infirm state of health5 in the latter part of his life have forgotten this. I have only to observe that I never considered myself chargeable with <mutilated> Parents who always defray'd them. <mutilated>6

     I cd. not have bel[ieve]d sir that you wd have treatd any one as you have treatd me if your conduct had not convincd me. Sir your H.S.


Source Note

ADS, ViMtvL:Historic Manuscript Collection. The bottom of the page contains some sums in a different hand, reading:

By your acct. first given in            20..6..2 1/2

By do.                                  3..17

By do. from April 18 to Novr 18 1786    5..11..2

                                         29..14  4 1/2


To Hogd Tobo                             21..3..9 1/2

Cash sent to Baltimore                   1..11

To Cash as pr Rect.                      1..8..5

To Cash as pr. Rect.                     4..11..8

To Cas as pr Rect.                           19..6

                                         £29..14..4 1/2


     1. BW originally wrote "came" instead of "ret'd" but crossed it out.

     2. In place of the word "found" BW first wrote "met with" but crossed it out.


     3. BW originally wrote "regret" in place of "uneasiness" but crossed it out.

     4. After the word "Father" BW originally wrote "who of late years was" but crossed this out.

     5. After the word "health" BW originally wrote "must have forgotten the demand" but crossed it out.

     6. The bottom half of the manuscript was ripped away and has not yet been found. The next section of transcription begins at the top of the back page of the letter.