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To Thomas Stone, 17 Oct. 1786



     If it should be necessary for the Garnishees at the Suit of Foust & Stoddart to give Bail, Mr Thomas Bond will enter himself, and if thought insufficient will find other Bail. If it should be necessary to have the depositions of the Legatees taken, please enclose three seperate Commissions to me, I will give the proper Notices, and attend the taking of them. I imagine that Blank Commissions might be sent, and the Commissioners names inserted in Virginia, as I am not much acquainted with the most proper persons in the County where one of the Legatees resides.

To William Augustine Washington, 1 Dec. 1793

My dear Sir

Your Bill in favour of Mr Carter I accepted & have since paid. I had no mony at that time of yours in my hands, but immediately made sale of the Certificates at their highest current price & got from the Governor the Balance of the Bill. I enclose you a Statement of the account by which you will see that there is [<2m#>] yet in his hands which he will pay you when he goes over to Westmoreland in a few days.

To Unknown, 14 Nov. 1824


Dear Sir

     I recd a few days ago, from Mr Woodward, your work containing "Letters on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper" for which I beg you to accept my best thanks— in the perusal of it, I anticipate great satisfaction. and, I humbly trust, some religious improvement. I am with very great esteem Dear Sir your faithful & obliged Servt 

To Caleb Parry Wayne, 12 Feb. 1825


Dear Sir 

     I recd last night a letter from Mr S. G. Goodrich of Hartford enclosing one from you dated the 5th inst. He requests me to give to you our views as to a disposal of the Copy right of the life of Washington, naming the price for it in case we are willing to sell & also the price per Copy for the exclusive privilege of publish<ing> the work, it being stipulated that 3000 copies at least shall <be> printed in two years.

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