To Robert Barraud Taylor
Mt Vernon Jany 27. 1813
Dear Sir
In my letter to you of the 4th Novr I mentioned that I would send you a deed to Mr Minton for the 120 acres of land which he has purchased, & expressed my willingness to sell him1 our interest in the other tracts either by the acre as stated in the Deeds or by survey to be made. As the troubleof having deeds proved & certified is considerable, the Court house of this County being very distant from Lewis'2 I have thought it best to await your answer after your having seen Mr Minton, & in case he should agree to purchase the whole, one deed will suffice.3 Perhaps it might save time & of trouble if the Executors were to send you a power of attorney to execute deeds for this property, in which case they could at once be proved in the proper Court without the4 necessity of proving them in the County & having them certified. on this Matter your will please advise me: Mr Lewis & myself act in our own rights as Executors & under a power of attorney from the other Executors, & have executed a number of conveyances.
Asto the price of the tracts unsold I have no other rule to govern my Judgment but the value fixed upon them by Genl Washington in his will vz. $8 per acre, less than which I should not like to take unless you should be of opinion that that sum cannot be obtained. I have full Confidence that you will get as much as possible for them.
I shall be glad to hear from you as soon as convenient & am very respectfully Sir yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush. Washington
ALS, NjMoHP. Most likely a draft.
1. After word "him" BW struck out the words "the balance."
2. After the word Lewis' BW struck out the phrase "& I being very much from home"
3. After the word "suffice." BW began a new sentence but struck out "Mr Lewis & myself act in our own rights as Executors."
4. After the word "the" BW struck out the phrase "double trouble."