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To Caleb P. Wayne

Dear Sir

     The 5 Copies of the life of Washin<gton> which by our last contract was to have been deliver<mutilated> I have given to five of my Nephews, and I am <mutilated> to have them bound without further loss of time. B<mutilated> as to deliver them to Mr David Caldwell, who will undertake to have the business of binding attended to. Please inform me whether this edition is disposed of: as the Chief Justice and myself are anxious about a 2d corrected edition in 4 volumes— with great regard I am Dear Sir yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

P.S. I think the Ch. Justice informed me he had recd his 5 Copies; if I am mistaken, they ought to be sent to him.

Source Note

ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to "C. P. Wayne, Esq Philadelphia." The cover is postmarked, "Alexa. Va Jan. 11."