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To Caleb P. Wayne

Dear Sir

     I am Just reminded by a second letter from Mr Mercer of New York, of one which I wrote you about a month ago respecting a second edition of the life of W— in 4 volumes which the C. Justice has ready for the press, and the proposal of Mr M. to print a second edition. I could not answer that gentleman properly without first enquiring whether you had secured the prolongation of the Copy right in the way pointed out by Law; & I also wished to know whether the first edition was disposed of. I think (for I have not a copy of my letter with me) I requested further to know whether you would wish to engage in this publication.

    I have recd no answer to that letter, which somewhat surprises me— Please write me as soon as possible & believe me to be with much esteem Dear Sir very sincerely & respectfully yrs

Bush. Washington

     In my letter, I also reminded you of the 5 Copies of the Copies of the life which you were by contract to delivered me & requested you to forward them to me.

Source Note

ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to "C. P. Wayne Esq. Philadelphia." The cover is postmarked, in Washington City on 14 Feb.