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To James Henderson

Dear Sir

     I had the pleasure this day, to recieve your favor of the 12th. I congratulate you very sincerely upon your safe return to the United States with recovered health, & hope that the advadvantage derived from your absence may be permanent.

     You mention a resolution of the managers <mutilated> Dismal Swamp Co. "that the consent of the members of the Company to postpone the general meeting until the first thursday in June next should be requested." On the part of the Executors of General Washington I feel no hesitation in yielding our assent to the proposal. The affairs of the Company are in all respects so well conducted, and are so much better understood by the Managers than by the members1 that it would be, in my opinion, imprudent, if not presumptuous in the latter to refuse a compliance with any proposition of the former without very apparent2 reasons3 to the contrary. On this occasion however you have perfectly satisfied me that the measure they advise is a proper one. If my power to you to represent me at the General Meeting,4 should require renewing,5 be so good as to inform me in time.6 I am Dr Sir respectfully &c.:


B. Washington

Source Note

ALS (copy) Draft, NjMoHP.

     1. After the word "members" BW first added in with a carat, and then struck out, the phrase "and are in all respects so well conducted,"

     2. After the word "very" BW first wrote "strong," but crossed "strong" out and replaced it with the phrase "apparent."

     3. BW initially wrote "ground" in place of "reasons" but crossed it out.

     4. After the word "meeting" BW struck out the sentence "& to recieve & remit through the peoples Bank the dividend to which the Execs of Genl Washington may be entitled."

     5. After the word "renewing" BW struck out "you will."

     6. BW struck out the phrase "to amend it" after the word "time."