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To Robert B. Taylor


     I returned from Phila. the day before yesterday when I had the pleasure to recieve your favor of the 30 Sept.

     I have no knowledge of the tract of Land of 600 acres enquired after by Mr Minton, unless he should refer to1 some tract differing in quantity from that mentioned by him. I find2 a deed dated the 10th Decr 1764 from Jos. Jones & wife to Washington Lewis & Walker for two tracts,3 one for 372 & the other for 400 acres—also a patent to the same persons for 238 acres dated Sept. 10. 1767. Should Mr Minton wish to purchase it will be necessary to distinguish which tract he means,4 and it might be well perhaps to have it surveyed & to sell by the acre. Should this be determined on, I can send you a memorandum of the boundaries: or I will sell according to the quantity mentioned in the deeds. Being wholly unacquainted with the value of these lands, I should prefer relying upon your Judgment as to the terms of sale requesting only to be informed of those which may be offered before the contract is closed.

     I write now to enable you to give an answer to Mr Minton & will in a few days forward you a deed for5 ourunderuled third of the 120 acres. I am very respectfully Sir yr mo. ob. Servt


Bush. Washington

P.S. From a rough sketch of the position of the two tracts of 372 & 400 acres Just found amongst the papers, they appear to adjoin each other.

Source Note


     1. After the word "to" BW struck out "one of the following tracts."

     2. After the word "find" BW struck out "that on."

     3. After the word "tracts," BW struck out "(but whether adjoining each other or not I cannot say)."   

     4. After the word "he" BW first wrote "wishes" but crossed it out.

     5. BW first wrote the word "the" in place of the word "our."