To Lawrence Lewis
June 1. 1819
Dear Sir
I have stated the accounts of the purchasing legatees, as far as the papers in my possession will permit. I am satisfied that they are very imperfect & in some instances perhaps erroneous, but I hope your papers will enable you to supply omissions & to correct mistakes. In going over them, I wish you to compare them with the Commissioners former account, from which my statement differs in some instances beyond my capacity to explain.
Feeling extremely anxious to have our accounts in the hands of Mr Moor to state as soon as possible, I hope you will find it convenient to go over the individual accounts now sent & to prepare your Executors A/ct without delay, and when you have completed them, let me ask the favor of you to put the Accts & vouchers in your pocket and spend the day with me that we may go over them together. Believe me affectly yrs
Bush— Washington
I can't find out what ever became of the debt due by Shephard, but presume it has been either paid in discharge of Doctr Stuarts or some legatees claim.
You need not trouble youself about the small items for shares of Bank Stock, Shepherds past payment &c. as I have them on my book or can easily state them.
ALS, NjMoHP. BW wrote on the cover, "Get from the office a Fai[r]f[ax] the Amt of Doctr Stuarts Judgt agains the Exers of Genl Wash<ington.>"