To Lawrence Lewis
Washington feby 8. 1810
Dear Sir
Genl Lee has written again to me for his bond & contract together with a statement of the payments made by him. Let me beg you to make another search for the bond & contract, & if not amongst your papers, be so good as to ride down to Mt Vernon & search among mine. There is one bundle endorsed "Dismal swamp papers" in which they may possibly be found, tho I think I have searched them myself. My nephew John will assist you. The Generals papers are in a long box in my study. If found please enclose them immediately to me, and at all events send me a Statement of the Account taken from the books. I shall know no quiet until these papers with our release are sent to him.
Our deed to Mr Thornton is left with Wm Herbert Junr which do not neglect to acknowlege before 3 Witnesses who mean to attend the Court. I am sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to "Lawrence Lewis Esq. Woodlawn near Alexandria."