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From Elias Boudinot Caldwell, 16 March 1807

Dear Sir,

Mr Parks having agreed to give the Deed of Trust, I have spoken to Mr Hay, who is willing to take it. Mr Parks to give his bond with the Deed, & the property to be sold if not paid in twelve months. If you will be kind enough to take the papers with you to Baltimore, when you go on your Circuit, the papers may be executed. The Bond I suppose must be made to Col: Washington, & by him assigned to me, & by me, to the persons who have the agreement. I am with great respect your obedt Servt

From William Sterrett, 22 Sept. 1807


I recd your letter dated the 8th of March Ulto but which appears from the Post Stamp to have been put in the Office the 17th of July, the first day of this month and should have answered it before this time had I not been owing to sickness in my family The Commissioners of the Revd in this and Kanawha Counties, had their books made acct before your letter Came to hand but in this County where the greater number of tracts lie I have got the Comr to charge them at the latter part of the books out of their Alphabetical order and have requested the Comr of Kanawha to do the sa

From Henry Lee, 3 Feb. 1810

dear Sir

I am extremely sorry to be compelled again to take up yr time & attention. But I cannot avoid it, as I must get to my family let the sacrifice be what it may. I was very desirous of closing all honest claims satisfactorily. Inded such expectation has made me bear all the ills I suffer. Yrself I expected to have found foremost in contributing to such a result.

From James Henderson, 6 June 1811

Dear Sir,

A low State of Health prevented me from attending the annual meeting of the Dismal Swamp Company, And although I requested a Gentleman who was going there to have a Draught made out for the Dividend for Genl Washington's Estate he omitted it. Today I obtained a meeting of the managers and have now the pleasure of inclosing you a Dft on the agent for 2,000$ with which Dividend you will be pleased.

From James Henderson, 12 Feb. 1812

Dear Sir,

At a Meeting of the Managers of the Dismal Swamp Company some time ago, it was resolved "that letters be written to the different Members of the Company requesting their Consent to postpone the general meeting until the first Thursday in June next." By our Regulations the general Meeting is to be held on the first Thursday of May.

From Robert Barraud Taylor, 28 March 1812


Your sometime ago authorized me to dispose of some land in Nansemond. I am today offered by Mr Wright who lives in the neighbourhood for two of the tracts one of 100 acres and one of the 20 acres the sum of $1000 payable one half cash, and one half in 12 mo. bearing interest. Or if you profit it he will give at the rate of $800 per 120 acres be the same more or less under a new survey, and he offers the $1000 under an impression that the new survey as usual, would yield a considerable surplus in quantity. Your ob Sert

From Francis Harrison Peyton Jr., 1805


Dear Sir

My late indisposition has been such as to prevent me from attending the meetg of the Legatees agreeably to notice— We have sent you a power of Attorney—and have taken the liberty of inserting your name. you will be oblidging enough to transact the business for us— I have also enclosed you a mortgage for the property I bought in alexandria and will thank you, when convenient, to forward me a Deed. yrs respectfully

From John Gardner Ladd, 26 June 1806


Permit me this liberty of enclosing to you the Copy of an acceptance by the Executors of the late Genl Washington for one hundred and fifty Dollars which I have had a long time in my possession— more than once I have presented it to Mr Lewis & once to Mr Washington without the desired effect of payment. will you please to inform me if it will be agreeable to the Executors now to discharge this obligation, being very desirous to have it done. with great respect I am Sir your mst. Obed. Sevt

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