From James Henderson
Wmsburg 6th June 1811
Dear Sir,
A low State of Health prevented me from attending the annual meeting of the Dismal Swamp Company, And although I requested a Gentleman who was going there to have a Draught made out for the Dividend for Genl Washington's Estate he omitted it. Today I obtained a meeting of the managers and have now the pleasure of inclosing you a Dft on the agent for 2,000$ with which Dividend you will be pleased. I wrote to1 Mr Swepson to know whether he could deposit this Sum for you in the Norfolk Bank, & in reply he informed me that he had been obliged to receive some NewBern & Cape Fear Bank notes from the Debtors which he had apportioned among the Proprietors, And in the 2,000$ laid by for you there were about 3 or 400$, which could not be received at Bank as a Deposit, but to accomodate you, he would indeavor to change them, & by the time you can indorse the inclosed Dft & forward it to him, I expect he will have effected it.
You will perceive by the amount of the Dividend that the Company's Affairs are in a prosperous Condition. The Managers have purchased from the Exter of Col: John Jamieson his half share in the Company for 5,000$ so that the Stock will be reduced to seven whole Shares & ten twelfths of a share.
My absence from the annual meeting prevented me from having carried into effect the Resolutions I formerly mentioned to you, and although the Majority of the Proprietors approved of them yet nothing was done respecting them. But convinced as I am that irregular & lawless Persons are tempted to commit trespasses upon the Company's Property from the present difficulty of prosecuting Suits against them, I am very desirous that some law should be enacted by the Legislature to enable the Company to sue & be sued by their President and managers. Intending to sail in a few days in the Ship Averick to Great Britain for the Benefit of my Health, I have to request of you that you would digest some plan to obviate the above Difficulty & communicate it to Revd Dr John Bracken on Judge Wm Nelson. Application ought to be
Bush. Washington
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.
1. After the word "to" Henderson first wrote "you" but crossed it out.