From Henry Lee
Spot: C.H. feby 3d [18]10
dear Sir
I am extremely sorry to be compelled again to take up yr time & attention. But I cannot avoid it, as I must get to my family let the sacrifice be what it may. I was very desirous of closing all honest claims satisfactorily. Inded such expectation has made me bear all the ills I suffer. Yrself I expected to have found foremost in contributing to such a result. Yet months have passed & I have neither got my bonds the statement, I asked, nor the pitiful sum I have expended since my purchase, when too I made the sum less than it really was in my uncertitude, least I might have exceeded it.
Do you beleive any consideration upon earth could have thus shaped me, was you as I am— No I would have borne you upon my shoulders like Æneas did Anchises thro. the flames— Mr Lewis of congress will transmit yr letter & I remain in spite of this Lee yr fast friend
H: Lee
ALS, ViMtvL: Lawrence Lewis Family Papers. Lewis annotated the cover of the letter with two notes, one reading "Memo: furnished Judge Washington 1812 Decr 15 To 1121 lbs Pork at $70 Hd." another note reads "Reuben went to work for the Judge 4th August 1814 & left it 24th Inst. at 2 oclock 19 August."