From James Henderson
Williamsburg 12 Feby 1812
Dear Sir,
At a Meeting of the Managers of the Dismal Swamp Company some time ago, it was resolved "that letters be written to the different Members of the Company requesting their Consent to postpone the general meeting until the first Thursday in June next." By our Regulations the general Meeting is to be held on the first Thursday of May. The Managers thought it advantageous to purchase a half Share belonging to the Estate of Col: John Jamieson, and also to subscribe for five additional Shares in the Dis: Swamp Canal Company; and thus have appropriated 5,250$ of the Profits of last year. The dry Weather, in last Autumn prevented the Agent from getting the Shingles to Market. The Managers are of Opinion that if the general Meeting is not postponed the annual Dividend must be a small one. But by delaying it one Month, the Agent will have an opportunity of selling the Shingles, and the Funds may be sufficient to make the Dividend equal to the Dividend of last year. If you approve of the Resolution I will thank you to express it as soon as convenient.
By my trip to Great Britain last Summer I have got my Health re-established, & hope to be able to attend the general meeting in June next, and will chearfully execute any Orders you may give. I believe the Affairs of the Company are in a prosperous Condition. The Demand & price for Juniper Shingles continue to increase. And the Managers have made Contracts for getting a greater Quantity. I am with great Esteem Dear Sir Your mo obt Servt
James Henderson.
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.