From Andrew Parks
Baltimore 18th February 1807
Dear Sir,
I recd your favor of yesterday, the interest you have taken in my affair, in your communication with Mr Hoy, I very sincerely thank you for, and I loose no time in answering your Letter. I do assure you I am as anxious to pay this debt as Mr Hoy can be to receive it, and if it was in my power to settle it at the shortest period that could be thought of for the convenience of Mr Hoy; it would give me unspeakable pleasure to do so, but to name a time that I could not possibly comply with, would be only trifling with him, and exceedingly injurious to myself.
I have no objection to give the Deed of Trust upon the Land in Jefferson, to secure the payments, with the power of selling provided I do not conform, and I will make them to come due in 8. 16. & 24, month, which is equal to 16 month, credit upon the whole sum; this is a shorter time than I propsed to Mr Caldwell, but by proper exertions, I do not doubt to be able with certainty to comply with thse engagements. I have prefered dividing the payments, into three equal portions, which to a person in trade is of material consequence, and I dare say will be more agreeable to Mrs Hoy than in one & two as the first will come round the sooner. When Mr Caldwell called on me, he had not the Deed of the City Lot, I forgot in my last to ask you why it was witheld, if Mr Hoy accedes to the terms I have herewith proposed, which will certainly be better than can be had by vexing me with the rigor and expence of Law suits, I resume the Deeds of the property will be recorded and sent me. be good enough to let me hear from you soon. I hope Mrs Washington is well with respectful compliments to her I remain Dr Sir yrs very sincerely
Andw Parks
N.B. Genl Adair & Ogden was brought to Fort McHenry to day in a vessel from New Orleans.
L, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.