From Francis Peyton
Sheppards Tavern 19th Augt [1806]
Dear Sir
I am extremely distresd <mutilated>y of my claims upon your attention, but the necessity I am under of collecting the sum due me from the estate oblidges me to address you again— enclosed you have your dft on Sheppard with its fate— he appears to have no wish to pay his debt untill perfectly convenient to himself— this will not suit me— I will if you are willing accept the whole amount of his debt and prosecute him for it immediately giving you security for the repayment of the balance[.]
If you do not choose to accept this proposition I beg you will make for me such arrangements as will secure to me payment at as early a date as possible— But from Sheppards conduct respecting the Dft I would prefer that his mortgage should be placed in my hands<.> I <mutilated> make it answer my purpose. yrs respectfully
F.H. Peyton
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.