From Thomas Swepson
Suffolk June the 22d 1811
Your favor of the 12th inst: covering the managers drft for $2000 has been received, and having exchanged the N. Carolina notes for such other notes as will be received in the bank at Norfolk, I shall deposit the money there on monday next as you request.
I have been on the lands held by the devisees of Genl Washington in partnership with Walker & Lewis, and consider them valuable; but I do not think they could be sold on advantageous terms at present. Lands of that discription, indeed all our swamp lands are daily rising in value, and it is my opinion that the interest of the money, could you effect an immediate sale, would fall far short of the increase in value of the land, at least for some years to come. I am Sir with great respect your obt Servant
Tho. Swepson
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.