I have been waiting since the Reciept of your kind Letter for the Return of my Son who is out on a Summer Excursion, & as the Weather has been bad, I expect he will prolong his Absence.… Continue Reading From Richard Peters, 30 July 1810
I did not recieve your Letter of the 22d Feby 'till yesterday. I am much obliged by your Attention to my Request relative to the Enquiries on Plaister of Paris.
Very soon after the rect of your kind favor, whilst the Hack from Washington was here to take us to Trenton, & the night before the Journey was to commence, I was attacked by a bilious fever, whi… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 27 Sept. 1820
I beg you to accept my thanks for "the Memoir" relating to your unsettled claims upon the government of the U. S.
So soon as I found myself the legatee of the papers of my late Uncle Genl Washington, I presumed that the public would expect from me the history of a life so conspicuously employed as his was in the civil & milita… Continue Reading To Jedidiah Morse, 18 Feb. 1800
I had the pleasure some days ago to receive your friendly letter of the 20th Ulto which company, at that time & for many days afterwards, prevented me from sooner answering.… Continue Reading To Henry William DeSaussure, 11 Aug. 1818
I beg you to accept my thanks for your kind letter of the 7th,1 which holds out so strong a temptation to embrace the offer it contains that it requires all my fortitude to resist it,… Continue Reading To Edward Duffield Ingraham, 12 March 1823
I wrote you some days ago describing the Situation of Mrs W. & myself, and expressing my anxiety (which I most sincerely felt & yet feel) to attend the Phila.… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 3 Oct. 1820
I have not recd a line from you since yours of the 7th altho I have with infinite anxiety sent to Alexa.
I am requested [b]y1 two of my friends to write to you in their behalf for some of your Tunis Sheep which, Livingston & Humphreys, to the contrary notwithstanding, they prefer to Mer… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 27 May 1817
I observe this day, that the Millet, which you induced me to try this year, is heading very fast, altho it was sown only a few days before my return home.… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 21 June 1822
Your three letters of the 25th Jany, 6 & 22d february have been recd, but not duly, the first written having been detained at th… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 2 March 1824
Your letter of the 5th has remained unanswerd to this late period, partly in consequence of a severe cold which confined me to my room, and prevented me from consulting with my brethren on the subjec… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 28 Jan. 1827
The Session of the Supreme Court will terminate today, after a continuance of 54 days, during which time, we have disposed of about 66 causes, many of them difficult, & some greatly interesting t… Continue Reading To Richard Peters, 24 March 1824
You will please credit me with the sum mentioned in the within Certificate, & as I shall have considerable transactions with your bank, at least until the sum I have subscribed to the C. & O. Canal Co.
In one of your letters enclosing the request of the bar that the Circuit Court might be adjourned, you speak of the first monday in January as the day mentioned by them and approved by you.
I interrupt your agreeable Law Engagements with a Bagatelle. Our agricultural Society have desired me to review my little Book on Plaister of Paris, for Republication; as it [is] out of Print.… Continue Reading From Richard Peters, 8 Feb. 1810
Yesterday I selected out of a Neighbor's Flock, having none in my own fit for Transportation, a Number of Tunis Sheep, to be sent to S. Carolina by Mr Vaughan, for several Friends there.… Continue Reading From Richard Peters, 17 May 1810
I en[c]lose two letters for your perusal and advice[.] the one from Diggs, the matter referd to, I have not the smallest recollection of, and am fully persuaded it is only a trick, upon a suppos… Continue Reading From Lawrence Lewis, 2 Feb. 1820
To erase from your Mind any Suspicions that I am indifferent as to your Concerns I am induced to break through an established Rule of never writing to a Gentlemam that does not correspond with Mr Powel.