To Jedidiah Morse
Philadelphia Feby 18. 1800
Rev'd Sir
So soon as I found myself the legatee of the papers of my late Uncle Genl Washington, I presumed that the public would expect from me the history of a life so conspicuously employed as his was in the civil & military affairs of this Country. Your observations have impressed me very fully with the propriety of having such a history prepared for publication as speedily as circumstances will admit. A diffidence of my own talents for such an undertaking, together with weak eyes and want of time will probably forbid me from attempting it; but I trust that the selection of a fit character may be in my power, and this I shall endeavour to make immediately. If you think it important to make this intention known, you have my permission to do so. I am with very great respect Rev'd Sir Yr mo. Ob. Servt
Bushrod Washington
ALS, PHi: Simon Gratz Autograph Collection. The cover was addressed to "The Rev'd Doctr Morse."