To Richard Peters
Mount Vernon 27th Sept. 1820
My dear Sir
Very soon after the rect of your kind favor, whilst the Hack from Washington was here to take us to Trenton, & the night before the Journey was to commence, I was attacked by a bilious fever, which with the necessary evacuations have so prostrated my strength, that I have scarcely enough left to enable me to move, but with great difficulty, about the room. Mrs W. is equally indisposed with the same Complaint. It is very questionable with me, whether I am yet clear of bile, as I am yet unable to take bark in substance. At all events, as I could not hope, under the most favorable Circumstances, to recover Strength enough to bear travelling in less time than a week, I have abandoned all thought of the Trenton Court, and have dismissed the hack.
I do not despair of being able to attend the Phila. Court, and shall exert myself to so. If I should have no relapse, and my Strength should return tho Slowly, I shall leave this on the 3d or 4th of Octr and get on with as little fatigue as possible so as to reach Phila. on the 12th or 13th, perhaps sooner.
It is with unfeigned pleasure I read the report of the board of Health of the 22d and most devoutly do I pray that nothing may hereafter occur to change the present favorable prospect.
I am delighted, my dear Sir, to hear of your good health— Heaven grant you a long & uninterrupted continuance of it!
As I write with considerable inconvenience I must conclude with the Assurances of my great esteem & of my most Affectionate feelings for you.
Bush. Washington
As I do not believe that Poulson1 is taken in this part of the Country I must beg the favor of you to Preserve Mentor for me.
ALS, PHi: Peters Manuscripts.
1. BW is referring to Poulson's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia.