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  • To Hannah Bushrod Washington, 11 May 1778

    Jerry returning from Frederick gives me an opportunity of writing to you but seems so much in haste that I must measure my letter by my time & write only for those things which I am most in want off. but I will first write all the news in Town least you should not have heard it. There is a Handbill in which there is a treaty of alliance between France & America that they declare us Independent States & are to assist us to support in that we are to aid one another in any dispute whatsoever.

  • To Hannah Bushrod Washington, 13 March 1778

    The uneasiness I have suffer'd since the reception of yours can scarcely be exprest. Is it possible you can believe I could be so lost to every Idea of Gratitude as to forget my duty to the best of parents to whom I owe my being & everything else which has rais'd me above the meanest of my species? I cannot conjecture by what means you could possibly be inform'd of a Report which never had any other foundation than the busy tongues of tho<se> who seem to wish for Strife.

  • From Lawrence Lewis, n.d.

         I have been requested by Saml Washington to forward to him the Patent for the tract of Land on the Kanakwa devided between <Thos> Hammond, and the heirs of Corbin Washington & a certifyd copy of the deed of Partition—to enable him to recover the Land sold by T. Hammond— Will you look at the inclosed <mutilated>hers, & do that which you may think best f<mutilated>is interest— I should not have troubled one with this but understanding you would not be at Mount Vernon before your departure for Philadelphia I thought it best to send them to you.

  • From John Augustine and Hannah Bushrod Washington, n.d.

         Your mother is so much pleasd with the guallity and price of the tea and Sugar you sent by Phill: that she desires you will purchase three pounds of the tea and Six loaves of the Sugar least they should grow dearer— this you will Judge of being on the spot— as also of the practicability of getting it forwarded by water to Elk or safe storage for if their till it can be brought from thence to you comies or Nomony by some trusty hand, safe from the enemy &c. &c. 

  • To the Circuit Court Judges for the District of Columbia, n.d.

         The petitions of Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis acting Executors of George Washington deceased respectfully sheweth that on the decree pronounced by this Honorable Court on the 22nd day of the last April Session of this Court in the cross suits of Mary D. Washington Executrix of Lawrence A. Washington decd and others against your petitioners, and your petitioners William L.

  • Allotment Order for the February Term 1801, 10 Feb. 1801

         In the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, Feby term 1801.

         We the Justices of said Court hereby assign the ensuing Spring Circuit Courts as follows—viz.

         The Eastern Circuit to Judge C<hase>.

         The middle Circuit to Judge Moore.

         &; the Southern Circuit to the Chief Justice.

  • Allotment Order Assigning Justices to Circuit Duties, 15 Aug. 1800

         Assignment of the circuit courts of the United State for the fall of the year 1800.

         The eastern circuit to Judge Cushing.

         The middle circuit to Judge Paterson.

         The southern circuit to Judge Washington.

         Given under our hands the 15th day of August, 1800.

  • To Unknown, n.d.


         The difference between the first sales & the resales upwards of $29000. The only prin. on which the revaluation of Russels property could be made was that Colo. W. was no party to the first. If he were & the proceed. obligat. on him the resales were not because to that he did not consent. If he were not, then the value of Russels prop. Shd be consid. as of the date of the orginial val. & of course int.

  • Memorandum of an Agreement between Henry Lee and Bushrod Washington, n.d.

         the sd Lee to convey to the said Washington with a general warranty Six Lotts of ground in Alexandria in Griffiths addtion, the said Lotts to be chosen by the sd Washington in any part of the sd addition, belonging to sd Lee & to include Jones's Lotts & Brick House if sd Washington chuses, should any of the Lotts so to be chosen by sd Washington be smaller than Lott No. 46, in the sd addition the sd deficiency to be made up in some other Lott, but should any Lott be larger it is to Cuont as a Lott & no more.