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To Hannah Bushrod Washington

Honour'd Madam

Jerry returning from Frederick gives me an opportunity of writing to you but seems so much in haste that I must measure my letter by my time & write only for those things which I am most in want off. but I will first write all the news in Town least you should not have heard it. There is a Handbill in which there is a treaty of alliance between France & America that they declare us Independent States & are to assist us to support in that we are to aid one another in any dispute whatsoever. I leave you to judge, & form the many advantages that will flow to us from such an alliance. There is also a French fleet on it's way here with supplies for the American army. I was very glad of the cloaths you sent me but was in more want of a hat than any as this I have here is tore almost all to peices & unfit for use I should be glad if you could possibly make an opportunity or purpose to send it & my gloves, quils, &c. your curls is bought & I think very pretty We are to act The Lying Valet a comedy & the cheats of scapin Whitsuntide & I hope to see you, Mr Washington & family (if he has any) & my old woman up here. We have enterd with one Mr Spooner to go to his dancing school we begin next friday & I think very cheap 6 a year so that I shall want my hat for that purpose. I have <illegible> a pound of pepper which cost 4 Dollars. I bleive I am now done only hoping to be remember'd to all acquaintances. I am Hounoured Madam you[r] dutyful son

B. Washington

P.S. I should have wrote to Miss Betty & Mr Washington but had no time as you'll see by this writing.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection.