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Allotment Order for the February Term 1824

     Supreme Court of the United States—February Term 1824

     There having been one Associate Justice of the Supreme Court appointed since its last Session, It is ordered that the following allotment be made of the Chief Justice & the associate Justices of the said Supreme Court among the Circuits agreeably to the Act of Congress in such care made & provided, & that such allotment be entered on sec[o]nd M[arch].

For the first Circuit. The Honorable Joseph Story

For the second Circuit. The Honorable Smith Thompson

For the third Circuit. The Honorable Bushrod Washington

For the fourth Circuit. The Honorable Gabriel Duvall

For the fifth Circuit The Honorable John Marshall. C.J.

For the sixth Circuit. The Honorable William Johnson

For the seventh Circuit—The Honorable Thomas Todd.

Source Note

D, DSupC. In Joseph Story's hand.