To the President & Directors of the Bank of the United States
the Memorial of the Merchants and others residing in the Counties in Virginia & Maryland which border on the Potowmack River most respectfully sheweth
That the number of Inhabitants in the Counties in Virginia & Maryland which border on the Potowmack River according to the enumerations taken under the authority of Congress in this present Year amounts: to three hundred & seventeen thousand one hundred and ninety eight.
That this District of very great extent and in general is fertile & healthy and in some parts is well populated & cultivated— the productions in Wheat Indian Corn Tobacco Rye Flax Hemp Flaxseed and other Articles which are exported to Foreign and other ports of the United States may be computed in Value to exceed the Sum of Two Millions of Dollars.1
That there are Sundry flourishing Towns upon the Banks of the River and others elsewhere in the neighbourhood thereof naturally connected therewith, which contain upaards of Twelve thousand people, a great proportion of whom are in the mercantile line of business —-
That annually the products of the Country are increasing as well as the number of Inhabitants, and at this time the greater part of the Trade from hence is carried on for the use of persons residing in Foreign Countries or in some other of the United States. —
That the intercourse between some of the Towns with distant Countries is daily increasing and the duties on Foreign Trade within this District of Country amounts to about 100,000 Dollars & An. That there is the greatest probability that the Inland Navigation of the River will be completed from tide water to the Alleghany Mountains in the space of Three Years, which will afford an easy & quick transportation of the heavy productions to some place of exportation and thereby make necessary a greater Sum of money than is now circulating here which is even inadequate to the present demands of Trade. —
Under these circumstances your Memorialists are of Opinion that a branch of the United States Bank to the extent of Five hundred thousand Dollars established at the Town of Alexandria might be managed with considerable profit to the Stock holders, and with general advantage to this part of the community— Your Memorialists will further add that the monies to be expended in the erection of the public buildings in the City of Washington, which will arise either from the Sale of the Lots or from the donations of the two States, would most conveniently be deposited with this branch— And they pray that the premises may be considered and a branch of the United States Bank to the extent of Five hundred thousand dollars may be established at the Town of Alexandria under such regulations as shall be deemed most conducive to the good of the Institution &ca.
Buchan Pa Hous Co.
Williams & Cary
Robinson Sanderson &ca
Fletcher Osway & Co.
Jas Mikolls
George Gilpin
Hooe & Harrison
Josia Watson & Co
John Lighuato
Forrestt Seton
John Murray & Co.
Isaac Nicholson
Garden Chopin
Frances Peyton
Dunlap & Craig
Shriver & Lawranson
Peterson & Taylor
Jesse Whirry & Co
Thos Vowell & Sons
L. Bent & Co.
Geo Swessy
Moose & Young
Joshua Morrissman
Ryan Hampson
Rogerson & Dalancy
Baldwin Wade
George Hunter
Paton & Butcher
Murrays & Wheaton
John Taylor
Charles Lorch
M Huizinga Mosserest
Darling & Eamp
James Douglas Sons
Hepburn & Dundas
Jas Ruth
Wm Neaton
Jonah Thompson
Benjn Augt Hamp
Jonathan Swift
John Downell
Thos Patten & Co
Guy Atkinsons
MacIver & MacKenzie
Jas Craik Junr
William Lowry &ca
Guis B. Campbell
W. Brown
Jas Kennedy
R. Prescott
S. Hanson & Sons
Wm Wilson & Co
Roger Cottan
John Manderble
Jas Wilson
Val. Piers
John Allison
Wm Herbert
Jesse Simms
James Gillies
Jesse Taylor
Lawrene Hooff
James McKenna
Perrin & Brothers
Robert B. James son
Cumbd Wilson
Richd Conway
Will: Smith
William Quincy
Thomas Coxe
Elisha C. Dick
Mordecai Miller
Hartshorne & Donaldson
Will. Hunter
Bushrod Washington
Jas Craik
Thos Porter
Dennis Ramsay
Josha Taylor Junr
John W So
Peter Wise
Lancy Crowe
Wm Bird
Jas M McRea
John Haper
David Hosaik
Daniel Roberdeau
Andw Jamieson
John Hickman & Co.
Hession Cooke
John Korn
Jacob Weismiller
Andrew Taylor
Jno Horwood
Philand Fendall
Go Washington
Walklhese & Co
Richd M. Scott
M. Shruster
Charles Lee
Philip Wanton
Bsurhod Washington
Wm H: Powell
DS, PHC. Signed by BW, not in his hand.
1. Work marked through that was previously transcribed as $Pr