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To Unknown, 7 Oct. 1816


Dear Sir

     Not having heard from you in answer to my letter dated about the last of Septr, I apprehend that either that or your answer has miscarried. I now beg leave to trouble you again with the request stated in my former letter that you will have the goodness to enclose to me, at this place, the Treasurers draft on the Bank of Virga for my Salary due the 1st inst. I am Dear Sir very respectfully yr mo. ob. Servt

To Robert H. Small, 8 April 1829

     Mr Small will oblige Mrs Washington by procuring for her such of the books mentioned in the enclosed lists as he may not have in his store, & encase the whole of Miss Austen’s novels cannot be obtained in Phila. he will please to import such as cannot– Mr Small will please import for her the Ladies Museum from Septr 1825. The books first mentioned will not be wanted for 3 or 4 weeks, which will afford Mr Small time in which to procure them.

From Littleton Waller Tazewell, 13 Feb. 1823

Dear Sir;

     An accident had occasion'd my absence from hence, at the time your letter of the 30th Ulto arrived here; and the intensity of the recent cold weather, kept me from home during its continuance, so that until yesterday, I did not receive it— Immediately it came to hand I called on the Cashier of the Virginia Bank, to see what arrangement I could make with him for the payment of the draft you now have, and any others you might hereafter obtain, from the President of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co., on that Bank, which should be payable in C

To Richard Smith, 5 Dec. 1828


Dear Sir

     I yesterday recd a letter from Mr Thomas Williamson, Cashr of the Office Bank of Virginia at Norfolk informing me that he had deposited to my credit in that Bank Sixteen hundred dollars, subject to my order. Sums from the same Source have heretofore been negotiated through the Potomack bank; but as this mony is intended to go into your bank to meet the calls of the Canal Co., it will save trouble if you can negotiate my Check for the above sum so as to place it to my Credit on your books. Upon recieving permission I will forward you a check and am very respectfully Dr Sir Yr mo. ob.

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