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To Meriwether Lewis Walker, 20 Dec. 1820


I now enclose you a statement of the <mutilated>en by you on the 1st day of next month; <illegible> <mutilated>gned to <illegible> acting executors of Genl Washington <mutilated>ed by a deed of trust and Dukes bonds. <illegible> of the account is your agreement to pay the balance with interest, annually, & punctually, to me, which you will sign & have witnessed by two witnesses, and immediately enclose it back to me by post (clear of postage).

To David Aiken Hall, 18 Feb. 1828


Dear Sir

     I suggested to Mr Caldwell during his life time that a friendly suit should be brought by the representatives of Mr Blodget agt the chief Justice & myself, stating the failure of the objects for which the trust was credited, our refusal to accept the trust, & praying a transfer of the Stock to such representatives, or the substitution of other trustees. This I still think is the best, if not the only plan to be pursued. We will put in an answer immediately submitting the whole case to the Court. Believe me to be Dear Sir very sincerely & respectfully yrs

To Lawrence Lewis, 2 Aug. 1829


My dear Sir

     Having recd from the debtor legatees during the winter & this summer pretty respectable payments we are enabled to make a dividend of which I now notify the Creditor legatees. your dividend & share of Commissions, as well as mine, amounts to $772.10 for which I can send you a check on the Charlestown on recieving from you a letter stating your return to Audley from below. We leave this tomorrow for Bath. I wrote to cousin Carter about her dividend, which you no doubt will attend to. Believe me truly & affectly your

Deed of Sale and Power of Attorney, 22 September 1803

To all whom it may Concern-

Whereas by deed bearing date the 17h day of April in the year of our Lord 1798 between Henry Lee and Ann his wife of the first part, Bushrod Washington of the second part and William Ludwell Lee of the third part; the said Henry Lee and Ann his wife did convey to me the said Bushrod Washington & my heirs amongst other parcels of land all that tract or parcel of land containing twenty eight hundred acres or thereabouts called and known by the name of Hollis's Marsh in the County of Westmoreland which said tract was purchased by the said Henry Lee from Ludwell Lee, Richa

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