To Charles Carter
Richmond June 21 [17]96
Dear Sir.
My opinion upon the case you submitted to me at Fredg has been long since forwarded to you, and it is probably in the post office at Fredg or Culpepper if you have a post to yr County. Should it not have reached you let me know.
I feel no difficulty about the case you mention in your last letter. I can percieve no consideration which could bind your father to pay the extra interest claimed of you, even if no settlement had been afterward made with you by the agent of Mr. Picket. and as your situation is such as you represent it, I would by no means advise you to pay it.
I cannot say when Nortons suit will be tried— if I can form any tolerable opinion respecting it, before the next term you shall hear from me. with our best love to Cousin C. & family I am dear Sir Yr Affect. & obt Sert
Bushrod Washington
ALS, NcD: Bushrod Washington Papers. The letter was addressed to "Charles Carter Esq. Culpepper County" and stamped "RICHM'D. June 22 1796."