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From Hannah Bushrod Washington

My dearest Bushrod

I got hear three weeks ago. but have not yet seen Bushfield; as it would signefy but little my just riding down & returning, again, your Papas business—having detaind him at Prospect hill till two days ago I had the pleasure of his return, we are undetermined, about going to Bushfield, tho I cant help flattering myself with the pleasing idea, for really an unsettle life to one of my disposition is most disagreeable, & extremely inconvenient in regard to the manufactering business which you know we go largly on— We under[stand th]at Mr Murry said you had inform'd him that you intended to Virginia this winter, but as you never mention'd a word of it either to your Papa or myself, I think it is a mistake, at least wish it so, for great as our desire is to see you, we would not have it gratify'd so contrary to your intrest, I am sure my dearest Bushrod your own good sense will readyly dictate to you that our wishing you not return to Virginia this winter, is a very great piece of self denial, but your good & not our own inclinations is our Studdy— you desired to know the length which we would wish you to have your Picture, which I neglected before, but if it is not to late we would wish it drawn to the knees, at the same time, we beg that you will by no mean distress yourself by having it done, as your Papa desires me to tell you that you shall have mony for the purpose; for we are my dear both very anxious for your Picture before you leave Philadelphia, as so good an oppertunity may not again offer, we at the same time heard that you thought the expence of continewing in Philadelphia too great when you thought of returning— with the application which I am sure you use, I hope next Summer to have you with me, without any hurt to you study, & as to the expence of continewing where you are, I think you may make yr self easy, as yr Papa will with the greatest pleasure make that out— The messenger waits who is to carry this to a gentleman at Doctr Bankheads going to the head of Elk— I know not his name—so must shorten my letter— the love of all hear attend you, yr Papa is busy or would have wrote to you. God bless you my ever dear Child & that you may injoy every earthly blessing is the prayers of yr ever affe. & lovg Mother

H. Washington

(Turn over)1

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Starting at "(Turn over)," a note, in John Augustine Washington's hand, is included on the reverse of Hannah Bushrod Washington's letter. The docket reads, "Bushrod Washington, Esqr. at Mrs Youngs in Waulnut Street three doors below third Philadelphia." A note adds, "Recommended to the care of Mr Zebulon Hollinsworth at the head of the Elk."

1. John Augustine Washington wrote a short letter on the back of this document.