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From John Augustine Washington

My dear Bushrod

Your Mothers letter which is inclosed will inform you that I did not expect to have had time to write to you, but Mr William Hunter who is the Bearer as far as Alexandria, consents to wait till I can write a few lines— I wrote you on the 10th of June by a Vessel going to the head of Elk and sent 3 hhds Tobo the tobo & Letters were to be forwarded by Mr Zebulon Holinsworth of that place to Philadephia to the care of Mr Levy Holinsworth, I hope long before this that both is got to hand, on the 10th Inst. I wrote a letter and sent to Fredericksbg to go by post unless an immediate safe oppirtunity offered in this letter I inform'd you that I had wrote to Mr Stubbs to send a Waggon load of Hemp to Philadelphia which I flatter'd myself if the price kep up to what it was when you wrote would neet after the charges of its transportation abt £50 this money— by the return of my messenger from Fredericksbg I recd a letter from Mr Fontain Maury that he would certainly remit you a Bill on the Tuesday following to the amount of 80 or an 100 dollars abt that sum being due me in their hands I hope my letter and this remittance has reached you before <th>is, and that Stubbs will succeed in getting <mutilated> to convey the Hemp as it gives me great pain when I <mutilated> that you may some times want when perhaps supplys are ordered and miscarry—being hurryed now must refer you to my other letters where I have been more explanitory— I am my dear Bushrod your truely Aff. Father

J.A. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. John Augustine Washington directed this letter to "Bushrod Washington Esqr at Mrs Farmers in Spruce Street between Front & Second" in Philadelphia.