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From John Augustine Washington

My dear Bushrod

     I got to this place this day too late to write by the post but a Servant of Mr Chas Carters is this instant setting of to Philadelphia after a Chariott as I am told— I am short of time to say more then that I am thus far on my way to Berkley to settle some plan for regular remittances (but if your affairs will not admit of waiting till you recieve remittances or hear from me from Berkley) you must close with Mr Mead upon his terms till I can fix a plan more conducive to yr happiness and my interest— having wrote you fully about the ruinous mode of advances in the old way, which letters no doubt you have recd, or will before this gets to yr hands, I shall add no more on this hurrying occasion— I had the pleasure to recieve your Letter by the Post before that of the present day— your ne<mutilated> to recieve in Berkley, I shall remain <mutilated>nty till the 24 Apl and then return with yr Brothers to Westmoreland— I left your Mama Sister and all at Blenheim tolorably well— I understand you have an offer of a passage to Virginia in Mr Carters new Chariott, but if no circumstances obliges you to such a measure I would wish you not to imbrace it as it is clearly my opinion that your course of Studys ought to be fully finished before you see your Friends or Country— I am Your very Aft. & Lovg Father

John Auge Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. The cover is addressed to BW "at Mrs Youngs in Walnut Street three doors below third, Philadelphia." He noted that the letter would be delivered  "By Mr Chas Carters Servt Liverpool."