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From Corbin Washington, 19 Feb. 1796


My dear Brother

     Well knowing what pleasure it will give you to releive me from embarrassment of any kind, I, without hesitation, take the liberty to ask your advice about some business I am perplexed with, and am inadequate to determine upon satisfactorily to myself— in consequence of the death of Mrs Lee (the Widow of Richard Henry Lee decd) it is necessary that her dower negroes should be divided directly agreeable to the Will of the said Richd H. Lee, and I am doubtful whether this division should be made by the administrator of Mrs Lee, or the Executors of Richard H. Lee.

To William Augustine Washington, 6 April 1807


     Genl Washington in his life time sold to Archd McClain, what was call'd the round bottom tract, on the Ohio, containing 587 acres, with a general Warranty, at the price of ten dollars an Acre. He was bound to take in part payment a House in Alexa. at valuation, The house has been valued, (very high as we think) and possession deliver'd to us. McClain has been sued by Tomlinson for a considerable part of this land, and a judgment was render'd against him as we understand, upon the ground that the survey was made prior to the warrant.

To George Washington, 24 Jan. 1796


Dear Uncle

     I recd some time ago papers from Mr Keith respecting your Executorship of Colvill's estate.

     I shall immediately bring suit in the Court of Chancery in order finally to close that business and to releive you from embarrassment as to the disposition of the mony on hand. I will thank you to give me the general outlines of the business, and of your wishes, that I may be enabled thereby to frame my Bill.

To William Augustine Washington, 16 Aug. 1804

My dear Sir

     Having a large sum of mony to pay to Mr Bernard, I shall be obliged to get my nephew to carry it down to him. He will call at Haywood, but as well on account of his health as of his studies I hope he will not remain in the lower Country more than a day or two, unless you should wish otherwise.

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