This series of letters detail the concerns of estate and plantation management that Bushrod dealt with as inheritor of the Mount Vernon estate. After the passing of Martha Washington in 1802, Bushrod came into ownership of Mount Vernon and the collection of personal letters written to and by George Washington. Bushrod’s inheritance, salary as a Supreme Court Justice, and earning from the plantation proved insufficient to maintain the estate with ease. Despite various attempts to raise funds, including selling many enslaved peoples, Bushrod failed to remedy these financial difficulties, and the estate declined gradually.
I owe you an apology for my long silence & especially as I have two letters of yours unanswered. My Cirt.
Mrs Washington will be very much Oblidged by Judge Washington Solving the following Querys.
We have the honor to enclose to your Lordship a copy of the will of the late Genl George Washington who departed this life at Mount Vernon in Virginia on the 14th day of december last after a short but painful illness; and through the… Continue Reading From the Executors of the Estate of George Washington to the Earl of Buchan
In beginning to examine the papers in detail, I find great inconvenience in consulting the letters received by Gen. Washington.