Philadelphia February 12. 1800
My Lord
We have the honor to enclose to your Lordship a copy of the will of the late Genl George Washington who departed this life at Mount Vernon in Virginia on the 14th day of december last after a short but painful illness; and through the politeness of his Britannic Majesty's Minister we are enabled to transmit to you "the Box made of the Oak that sheltered the Great Sir William Wallace after the battle of Falkirk" bequeathed to your Lordship in the 14th clause of the Will. With sentiments of profound respect We have the honor to be Your Lordship's most obedt and very humb. Servts
The Executors.
N.B. Dryburgh Abbey August 16th 1800. I bequeath the abovementioned Box to Washingtons University in Columbia the original Portrait of Gen. Washington given to me by himself I bequeath to Liberty hall Academy Rockbridge district Virginia & the original Plan of the Fœderal City I be<queath> to the Phil. Society at Philadelphia. -Buchan
LS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. The N.B. is in Buchan's handwriting. The letter is directed to "The Right Honorable The Earl of Buchan" at "Dryburgh Abbey by Edinburgh N. B." and is endorsed by Buchan.