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To Thomas Davison, 16 May 1823



     AS we hope that the time is not far distant when we shall be enabled to close our executorial duties, we feel anxious to do so under such a sanction as to prevent all future disputes when we are gone. Our accounts to the last of the year 1819 have been settled, under orders of Fairfax Court and approved. The only difficulty we apprehend, and wish to avoid, is, the settlement of the individual accounts of the legatees; and this difficulty consists, as we apprehend, principally in the mode of calculating the interest.

From Lafayette, Sept. 1824


My dear Sir

     I Would Before this time Have Called Upon You, Had I not Been Apprised You prefer Coming Here. This is my arrangement for the day; I Shall be at Home Untill Twelve than I must go to the old Congress Hall Thre Hours; Burgate Brown and the officers of the Army, and a Committee from Wilmington Have Announced their Visit betwen ten and Twelve; at Thre I Will Return Here to Wait for You, Unless You Have Come Before. I expect no Visits from thre to four.

From Lafayette, 13 Aug. 1825


My dear Sir

     I Would Have Been Very Happy to Call Upon You in my Visit to Monticello and Montpellier, But We take our journey in the steam Boat to frederiksburg, and Will Return, I Believe, to the Seat of government By the Road Under the mountains, So as to Be arrived at Washington City on the 24th. it is Said the frigate Will Be Ready to Sail By the 1st September: it is therefore at the end of the month that We Will make our Mount Vernon and Woodlawn Visits; too short they Will Be to our Great Regret.

From Lafayette, 11 Sept. 1827


My dear Sir

Agreably to Your kind Request I Return the Original Letters which You Have Been pleased to Intrust to me. this first Invoice by the Cadmus Captain Allyn, Under Cover to the president, Contains only the letters Re<mutilated>e to the Virginia Campaign, 1781, the others which are Not Yet Copied shall be forwarded by the Other packet.

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