From Lafayette
La Grange September 11th 1827
My dear Sir
Agreably to Your kind Request I Return the Original Letters which You Have Been pleased to Intrust to me. this first Invoice by the Cadmus Captain Allyn, Under Cover to the president, Contains only the letters Re<mutilated>e to the Virginia Campaign, 1781, the others which are Not Yet Copied shall be forwarded by the Other packet.
Mr Sparks Has informed me of His plan concerted With You and Mr Marshall to publish the Whole Correspondence of the General a publication which I am Happy to See Undertaken, as it Cannot But add to His <mutilated>r Unparralaled Glory, and I may Hope to Read the Collection Before I Go to Join [Him] But as the inclosed letters Belong to You, I thought they Must first be Restored <mutilated> [fr]iendly owner.
I Shall ever Heartily Enjoy Every Opportunity [to] Hear from You, the family, and dear Mount Vernon. Let me know How you are in Health and Every other Respect. I am a Constant Inhabitant of la Grange; one of my Grand daughters, Louisa Maubourg, Has lately Married; Natalie Lafayette is Engaged; th[ere] will be then only Six granddaughters of mine Unmarried; three Grand Sons, tw<o> of whom Belong to George, and three Great Grand Children Compleat the Roll Call of <My> family. George is Now in the Mountain of <mutilated> <mutilated> Country.
france Ha<mutilated> patriot, Manuel: Government Had a Mind to find fault with a few Words I Have prono<un>ced on His tomb; But Upon Consideration thought proper to put them out of the prosecution, which <mutilated>ther points May also perhaps be abandonned. Most truly and affectionately Your old Constant friend
in the Correspondence of [17]81 there are Some Copies of letters alluded to, and a few Uncopied original letters which will go with the Next <mutilated>ile. Mr Sparks Has exportted to me a Wish to make a trip to England and to france Before He Concludes His Work. I think it might be Highly Advantageous as He May find in Europe Very interesting illustrations of the Correspondence, and probably original powers to add to the publication.
ALS, InU-Li: Lafayette Manuscripts.