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To Hannah Bushrod Washington, 12 April 1783

Dr & Hond Madam

Yes, it is a long year indeed, and by a Son's Calendar two, since he has known the happiness resulting from the company and instructing conversation of his beloved Parents— He often sees them in idea, and their sentiments remain impressed on his mind; but ideal Pleasure is a poor substitute, for real, nor is the expression of the Pen equal to that of speech— The Prospect before me is pleasing, perhaps too much so—to attain it, I rather hurry, than make haste— A few months will alter my situation from Infancy to Manhood— I would wish that my studies should terminate with th

To Hannah Bushrod Washington, 7 June 1783

Dr & Hond Madam

After having so often neglected to write you for some time past rather from necessity than inclination, and from a sense of your goodness in forgiving me, and in admitting those excuses which one less generous would have been more tenacious of, I am determined to shew myself not entirely unworthy of your benevolent disposition towards me, by omitting to embrace any opportunity which can afford safety to my Letters— I say, safety, because I never can meet with any conveyance which goes nearer to you than Fredg where they are necessarily left to the conduct of Chance,

To William Augustine Washington, 25 Nov. 1806

My dear sir

I have sent the deed to Mr Parks to mr Lewis to execute with a request that he wd enclose it to you before friday. Should you not recieve it it will be unimportant as Mr Parks at any rate would have to send it back to us to have it recorded & therefore the mere form of sending to Mr Parks is altogether unecessary. you can write him so by mr Hoy who will nevertheless get the mortgage executed.

I am just setting off from home & am much hurried. Sincerely yr affect friend

From John Augustine Washington, 17 Oct. 1785

     Know all Men by these Presents that I John Augustine Washington of the County of Westmoreland and Parish of Cople for and in Consideration of the natural Affection which I bear unto my Son Bushrod Washington of the County and Parish aforesaid as well as for and in consideration of five shillings to me in hand paid by the said Bushrod Washington before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.

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