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To William Augustine Washington

My Dear Sir

     The enclosed I got at the post Office yesterday, having seen it before advertised knowing the Land I took the liberty of opening it. I wish the delay of it may not be inconvenient to You. I have made enquiries about your Lotts & hope soon to give you satisfactory information on the subject— your Side Board is done & ready to be delivered– Order the first vessel from your part of the Country to call on me & I will have it well put up for you— the price I suppose you agreed for— you can send me an order on <f>ration for it— in <h><mutilated> I am with best Love to my two nephews & best wishes for your health Mo. Sincerely Your friend

B. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViAIM. BW addressed the letter to "Hay–wood near Mattox Bridge Westmoreland County," and it was stamped in Dumfries on 8 January. William Augustine Washington endorsed the letter.