From Richard Riker, John Agnew, and Thomas Bolton
New York 28th April 1826
The Corporation of the City of New York have caused medals to be struck to commemorate the completion of the Erie Canal which unites the great Western Lakes with the Alantic Ocean.
The corporation influence by a deep and profound respect for the memory of George Washington and wishing to testify the gratitude of the City of New York for his great public services, which justly placed him “first in War— first in Peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow Citizens” have instructed us as a Committee to prepare a medal of gold of the highest class, and present the same in the name of the City of New York to the family of George Washington.
In obedience to the order of the Common Council and in the name of the City of New York, we have the honor to transmit to you, Sir, in behalf of the family of George Washington, a medal of gold of the highest class.
It affords us the greatest satisfaction to convey to you this testimonial of public respect. The accompany the medal with a box made of maple brought from Lake Erie in the first Canal boat—the Seneca Chief.
A memoir on the New York Canals will be transmitted to you as soon as it is printed. With the utmost respect We subscribe ourselves Your Obedt Servants.
R. Riker
John Agnew
Tho. Bolton