From John Augustine Washington
Bushfield 14 June 1782
My dear Bushrod
It is long since I had the pleasure of writing to you from the scarecity of oppertunities, and sometimes being out of the way when they offer'd— indeed it is some considerable time since we have heard from you, your Letters to yr Mama & Sister was the last— I am very anxcious to hear from you, perticularly to know whether any remittances has come to your hands— Mr James Maury of Fredericksbg wrote me on the 23d of Apl that he had sent you twenty five pounds Sterling, equal to 33..6..8. Virginia Currency,1 for which I have ordered down tobo from Berkley to reimburs him— I should be happy to be on a certainty you had recd it, for otherwise you must be distresed— this letter goes to the head of Elk in a Shooner built on Yeocomico by Jerry Baley & John Rust2 by this Vessel I have also sent three hhds of Tobo first to the care of Mr Zebulon Hollinsworth at the head of Elk to be forwarded to his Brother in Philadelphia Mr Levy Hollinsworth, who is to have the selling them and after deducting his commissions and the charge of transportation will pay into yr hands the amount, which by the by I fear will not be much, as I hear Tobo sells low, and the charges will be pretty considerable, possably the Tobo might turn out something better if your demand for cash is not great, and some goods were taken— if possable you must contrive through the means of the two Mr Hollinsworths a pound of good tea & two loaves of Sugar, indeed the double of each if your Finances will admit of it— Coffee your Mama thinks disagrees with her, & if it did not we are out and at present do not know where to purchase— any thing of this sort may go by means of Mr Levy Hollinsworth to his brother at the head of Elk with directions for them to be forwarded by the first vessel to Yeocomico to the care of Mr Jerry Galand Baley, or Mr Rust unless they should be so lucky as to meet with a Vessel comeing directly to Nomony which will rarely happen— vessels are constantly going From Philadelphia down to Christeen and things are wagoned from their over to Elk, and their is scarcely a week but their are vessels comeing to potomack, I would wish you to write once a week and lodg[e] your Letter with Mr Levy Hollinsworth to be forwarded that way, and regularly inclose one of the best news papers that is printed in Philadelphia, even if the letters and their inclosiours should lay for some time at the head of Elk— I am my dear Bushrod your very Affectionate Father
John Auge Washington
N.B. your Mama wants 1 lb. of Good ginger 20 g. of Turmerick which she wishes to get with the tea & Sugar— a small note is inclos'd which you may read at a leisure hour and keep the contents to yourself.
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.
1. JAW wrote the symbols for pounds (L), shillings (S), and pence (D), above their respective amounts.
2. From 1776 GW rented a lot of 183 acres in Berkeley County, Va., to a Samuel Bailey and his niece and nephew, Sarah and John Rust. This may be the John Rust referenced here. Ledger B, 285-86.