From John Augustine Washington
Colo. B. Balls 3d July 1781
My dear Bushrod
I recd your Letter of the 28th Ulo by Mr G. L. Turberville (which is the first I have recd since you left me, tho I have heard of another) as I was on my way up yesterday to visit my Family in Berkley, who I understand are rather sickly, I shall not unless public business calls me, leave that County after I reach it, till about the 25 or 26 Inst, so that if you get discharged in time you may as well bend yr course that way, as it would make yr Mother as well as myself happy to see you— I was confin'd a few days the week before last with a slight fit of the Gout, and since have been very unwell with fevers and a sick Stomach, but hope that riding and chainge of air will remove the complaint— I wrote you some days past and inclos'd my letter to the care of Genl Weedon, not knowing where to direct for you, that Letter I apprehend was not come to hand when you wrote me you make no mention of it— I commend your r<esolutio>n of returning, and soon as the Enimy takes to their Shiping or go into garrison, for altho it is incumbant upon every Good especially young Gentn when their country is invaded, and the Enimy are carrying fire and Sword through the land, to stand forth and yeald every assistance, yet as soon as the urgency of the occasion is over, it is prudent to return to that course of Study, or occupation they were before ingaged in some it may suit to be the meer Soldier of fortune, others may be better imployed, except (as I observed before) in the hour of dainger— in my last I expressed my wish to know by every oppertunity how you were, where you were, and your wants that I might indeavour to lay down some s[c]heme to supply1 them if possable— I could now inclose some money, but this letter is to be left here with two from yr Mother to take its chance of a conveyance, and it may prove a very unsafe one— I am my dear Bushrod Your very Aff. Father
John Auge Washington
N.B. Your Unkle Smith died in Bed on Munday, Betsey and the youngest child are not well.
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Washington addressed the letter to BW "of Majr Mercers light Horse."
1. John Augustine first wrote "employ" but crossed it out.