From John Marshall
Richmond Decr 11th 1824
My dear Sir
In conformity with your wish expressed in your last letter I have deposited the boxes in the steam boat addressed to you to the care of Mr Herbert. The captain received them from me & assured me that he would put them in his room & deliver them safely at Alexandria.
I shall be much gratified if you can give the letters a reading. There is a letter written to General Greene while Quarter Master General in Decr 1779 or Jany 1780 I forget which, complaining of delay in furnishing him with quarters at Morristown. I have thought that letter should be omitted but believe I deferred st<ri>king it out till you should see it, or neglected it from forgetfulness If you read the letters I ask your attention to it, and if you should not read them nor open the boxes but send them on to Mr. Small I wish you would, if you concur with me, request him to omit it. There is also a letter written I think to Mr Madison, while the constitution was depending before the conventions in which he mentions Colo. G. Mason & Colo. R. H. Lee rather in terms of reprobation. I thought that the passage should be omitted or the names left blank. I have not however executed this intention & suggest it to you for your consideration. I am dear Sir yours truely
J. Marshall
ALS, NHi: American Historical Manuscript Society.